Dr. Samuel Felix Flikier Frajnd
Medical specialty: Otorhinolaryngology, Rhinology
Company: Hospital Metropolitano
Telephone: 2521-9650
E-mail: docflikier@gmail.com / info@drsamuelflikier.com
Website: http://www.drsamuelflikier.com
Main location: Cantón central, San José
Exact address: Hospital Metropolitano, 8th avenue between 12th and 14th street.
Doctor with 20 years of experience dedicated to attending children and adults. Member of: American Academy of OTO&HN surgery, PanAmerican Society of OTO&HN Surgery, Asociación Costarricense de Otorrinolaringología. We accept all major private health insurance. Appointments Monday to Friday 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Saturdays, by confirmed appointment.
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