Dr. Juan Pablo Avendaño Perez
Medical specialty: Orthodontics, Dentist
Company: ortoCentro Dental Natural
Telephone: 2221-9949
E-mail: info@dentalnatural.com
Website: http://www.dentalnatural.com
Main location: Cantón central, San José
Exact address: First street, 175 north of the banco popular, Edificio Alde, 5th floor.
Welcome to the place where we build the best smiles thanks to you! We were born more than 30 years ago as the first dental specialty center of San Jose. Today, over 30 years later, we consolidate as a modern and specialized dental center, consisting of specialists, working with the greatest care for you. The best dentists of Costa Rica are here. Thank you for trusting the professionals at ortoCentro dental natural, simply the best!
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