Dr. Luis Guillermo Aued Flores
Medical specialty: Oncology, General surgery
Company: Hospital La California
Telephone: 2539 9400 (ext 103) / 2256 3494
E-mail: luisauedflores@yahoo.com
Main location: Cantón central, San José
Exact address: Hospital la California, 2nd floor office 8. 25th street and 1st Ave behind the Magaly Movie Theatre, Bo. La California.
Dr. Luis Aued Flores is a graduate of medicine and a specialist in oncology, general surgery and endoscopy. Services provided: thyroidectomy, modified radical neck dissection, breast biopsy, modified radical mastectomy, breast conserving surgery (lumpectomy), gastrectomy, colectomy Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Colonoscopy, Gastroscopy.
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