Dra. Ileana Alfaro Urbina
Medical specialty: Dermatology, Cosmetic medicine
Company: Skin Clinic
Telephone: (506) 2253-3350
E-mail: info@skincliniccr.com
Website: http://www.SkinClinicCR.com
Main location: Goicoechea, San José
Exact address: Centauro Building. South side of Hospital Clínica Católica. 4th floor.
Specialized in dermatology and esthetics. Treatment of skin diseases, Botox, fillers of wrinkles, rejuvenation without surgery, bioplasty, treatment of spots, moles review, ultrasonic reductive treatments, facials, facials and body treatments, cellulite, firming and relaxing massages, hot stone massage, Russian massage with honey and treatment against dark circles.
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